Healing & Energy Work

Healing & EnerGy Work

Card Reading Session

Tarot or Oracle card reading session focusing on messengers and guides.

30 minutes $35 | 60 minutes $50

Creating sacred space

In your personal, home or work for reflection and support. Daily rituals, study habits, peaceful sleep.

60 minutes $45

Crystal Therapy/Chakra Alignment

Crystal therapy looks at the seven crystals attuned to the seven chakras (body’s energy centers) and “master healer” stones that can be used individually or in combination to relieve stress, promote relaxation, balance the emotions, and invigorate mind, body & spirit.

50 minutes $50


Reiki is a holistic Japanese technique for stress reduction, relaxation, and spiritual healing. Rei means higher knowledge or spiritual consciousness. Ki means life energy. Reiki, as a whole, is spiritual guided life energy. Reiki does not directly cure disease or illness, instead it’s used as a way to manage symptoms and improve general well being. Many describe Reiki sessions as a combination of senses, a light touch of energy over the body as calming or rooted. For others Reiki may feel like an emotional realignment. Therese is a Level 3 Master Reiki practitioner.

90 minutes $130 | 60 minutes $75
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